Session Reports (2006) pt. 2

Session Reports (2006) pt. 2

. . . NETMCDO is dedicated to enhancing and promoting career services for musicians . . .


Found below are report summaries for 12 break-out session that occurred during our 2006 conference at Manhattan School of Music. These sessions were suggested, organized, and convened by the participants themselves through the use of “open space technology.”

Using technology/what students need to know

Convener’s Name: Janet Rarick
Participants: Kelland Thomas, John Blanchard, Harriet Schwartz, Lyn Liston

General Recommendations:

  • Students should approach the use of technology with this point of view:
  • Keep it user friendly and remember who it is directed to.
  • Made sure that all professional materials have a professional tone.
  • Take baby steps in use of technology.
  • Think of where you want to be in your career –who is already doing it and how you can find out how they got there?
  • Re: Websites
    • Most students will research the use of websites during their student years. When surfing the web, it is a good idea for them to spend time looking at websites of young musicians
    • While in school look at ---who can write you a good letter of recommendation (use for quotes on website)
    • Notice that text is read on the web and text on a page are read differently.
    • is one way to start—free Web pages are available and the site is geared for young users
  • Re: E-mail
    • Students need to thinking about who is getting the email and use the appropriate tone in the message
    • Contacts lists need to be carved up so that VIPs aren’t getting casual emails meant for friends
    • Organized and maintain lists—make a spreadsheet with categories for VIPS, friends, family, potential donors
    • Keep up with the people who like you.
  • Re: Promo and demo CDS
    • Having good sound is vital
    • Seek out teachers who know about recording. Find school resources that you can use for free in making demos.
    • Quality check each CD if it is self-burning.
    • Don’t waste money on packaging a demo CD — it is for marketing purposes, not for making money; but still have it convey a professional image
    • CDs need to have some informational text in the package!
  • For composers:
    • Learn what constitutes good sound—use a limited amount of music when posting on the web
    • For all: Learn how to use Photoshop and how to create and copy-protect pdfs

Ways to influence music curriculum

Convener’s Name: Julian Ross
Participants: Leslie Scatterday, Angela Beeching, Tadd Sipes, Kathy Covert, Kathleen Chastain, John Steinmetz

Discussion and recommendations:

  • Undergraduate students should be less isolated from and better connected to the outside.
    • Develop less specialized orientations
    • Learning should be less experimental
    • Ask parents, students, alumni