Schedule & Agenda

Schedule & Agenda

The 2012 NETMCDO conference plan:  We’re tackling head on a major issue for many musicians, a topic we’re calling . . .

Art & Money: Friends or "Frenemies"? From the conceptual to the practical -- how these two relate.

Note: Each day will also examine the "State of the Field" in various ways, in addition to the Art & Money theme.

Come and explore innovative approaches for helping musicians make peace with their relationship to art and money, so they can build rewarding and sustainable careers.

Day 1: Wednesday, January 11

Where's the Money? (Monetizing One's Artistry)

We will start promptly at 9:00 am and go until 5:00 pm.

We will discuss the many aspects of music career services issues in panel discussions, small breakout groups, and large group discussions. These sessions will address the issues that matter most to YOU -- so bring your ideas, questions, and concerns to share and explore.

Check-in open at 8:15 a.m.
Coffee, tea, and continental breakfast available at 8:30 a.m.

9:00–10:00 a.m. Introductions, Meet the Room, State of the Field
  • Get to know your fellow participants.
  • What new questions are we hearing from students these days?
9:45–10:30 Building on last year’s manifesto.
  • Briefly review what we covered in last year’s conference
  • Break into small groups and discuss what participants did differently this past year to advance career development at their institutions (either as a result of the conference or otherwise). What risks they took, what they learned.
  • Report back to large group.
10:45-11:45 Universal Action List
  • Based on last year’s manifesto, what kinds of actions can we take to move the agenda forward at our various campuses?
12:00–1:00 p.m. Lunch - Provided

A delicious lunch (included in cost of registration) — connect with both new and “old” friends and discuss topics started in the morning sessions.

1:00–1:50 Classroom visit: Inventing new ways to monetize music

Students from Manhattan School of Music will join this discussion and interactive exercise in small groups, learning side by side.

2:00–3:15 Top Research Findings on Music Careers and Entrepreneurial Paths
3:30–4:45 Panel Discussion: Guest Musician Entrepreneur Panelists
4:45–5:00 Recap and Instructions for Thursday.

Note: Many conference participants go out to eat together after the first day, please consider joining us!

Day 2: Thursday, January 12

Where's the Art?

We will start promptly at 9:00 am and go until 5:15 pm.

9:00–9:30 am Idea Marketplace
  • Exchanging important resources and innovative ideas.
9:30–10:45 Panel Discussion: Can We Teach Artistry?
  • Guest faculty panelists Linda Chesis and Robert Mealy talk about helping musicians develop their artistic voices.
  • Students from Manhattan School of Music will join this discussion
11:00–12:00 Minding the Gap: Institutional leadership and your work. Bridging the distance between.

With help from Jim Undercofler, currently Professor of Arts Administration at Drexel University, former Dean of the Eastman School of Music. Blog:
How to “talk the talk” and reduce tensions, align and position your program to fit your institution’s priorities.

12:00–1:30 p.m. Lunch

Lunch at nearby restaurants (on your own).

1:30–2:00 Open Space introduction and session nominations.

Overarching question: How do we help musicians succeed with both art and money?

2:00–3:00 Open Space sessions #1
3:15–4:15 Open Space sessions #2
4:15–5:15 Wrap-up and "Talking Stick" Closing Ceremony
  • As many veterans can attest, this tradition is as vital a part of our conference as any of the sessions. Please try and arrange your travel plans so that you can stay until at least 5:15. Or better yet: stay an extra night and join us for cocktails and/or dinner.

Register now!

All details and forms are on the Registration Page.

(updated 1/13/12)