Schedule & Agenda

Schedule & Agenda

2010 NETMCDO Conference Schedule & Agenda

Integrating Music Career Development: Making It Sexy *

(* Sexy = relevant, compelling, necessary, appealing, innovative)

(posted 8/24/09)

Day 1: Tuesday, January 12

We will start promptly at 9:00 am and go until 5:15 pm.

Discuss the many aspects of music career services issues in both small breakout groups and large group discussions. The "open space" sessions address the issues that matter most to YOU -- so bring your ideas, questions, and concerns to share and explore.

9:00–11:15 a.m. “Brainstorming the Ideal” and “Planning in the New Economy”

These networking sessions are essential to the success of the rest of the conference – you will experience fun and engaging ways to get acquainted, share your ideas, and get your creative juices flowing… caffeine provided!

11:30–12:45 “Finding That Teachable Moment”

A number of interactive demonstrations and discussions, led by a variety of conference participants, explore ways to best get you point across.

12:45–2:15 p.m. Lunch

A delicious lunch at a restaurant next door (provided with registration) — connect with both new and “old” friends and discuss topics started in the morning sessions.

2:15–2:45 Intro to "Open Space Technology" / Setting of Afternoon Topics

Overarching question:

How can we make CAREER SERVICES "sexy" to our constituents? *
(Our students, alumni, faculty, staff, and administration)?

2:45–3:30 Open Space Sessions: One
3:45–4:30 Open Space Sessions: Two
4:45–5:15 Wrap-up and preparation for day two

Note: Many conference participants go out to eat together after the first day, please consider joining us!

Day 2: Wednesday, January 13

We will start promptly at 9:00 am and go until 5:15pm.

9:00–9:30 a.m. “Idea Marketplace”

Exchanging important resources and innovative ideas.

9:45–11:00 Your Alumni: "An Untapped Resource? A Strain on Your Services? Friends or Foe?"
  • Best practices for engaging as mentors, guest speakers, internship hosts, and employers
  • Collaborating with your alumni relations department: managing differing goals and expectations
  • Developing effective Career Services for alumni without sacrificing student services
  • Brief overview and report of the “Phase One” results of the Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP) pilot program
11:15–12:45 “The Real Deal: Musician-Entrepreneurs Tell All”

A panel of Invited guests, graduates of U.S. music schools, who are actively engaged in innovative career paths and projects. You’ll hear the trials and successes faced by classical and jazz musicians in today’s music industry.

12:45–2:15 p.m. Lunch

Lunch at nearby restaurants (on your own) — a chance to network further or take one of our Musician-Entrepreneur Panelists to lunch for more behind-the-scenes info.

2:15–2:45 Setting of Afternoon "Open Space" Topics

Overarching question:

How can we help our MUSICIAN CLIENTS become more "sexy" in the marketplace? *
(Reaching new audiences and making viable livings as professional musicians…)

2:45–3:30 Open Space Sessions: One
3:45–4:30 Open Space Sessions: Two
4:45–5:15 Wrap-up and "Talking Stick" Closing Ceremony

As many veterans can attest, this tradition is as vital a part of our conference as any of the sessions. Please try and arrange your travel plans so that you can stay until at least 5:15. Or better yet: stay an extra night and join us for dinner (and cocktails -- yes, we go there).

* Sexy = relevant, compelling, necessary, appealing, innovative

All details and forms are on the Registration page.