Schedule & Agenda

Schedule & Agenda

The 2016 NETMCDO Conference

Learn about outcomes from this past year's conference here.

2016 Theme

Emerging Archetypes: Micro-Niche to Global Reach 

Exploring new profiles of music careers and their impacts —
from a Left Coast vantage point

Musicians often grow up imprinted with iconic musician role models — archetypes — that then end up becoming their definition of “career success.” This can be an impediment when we ask students to challenge their assumptions and explore possibilities outside the accepted norm.

This year we are examining our own and our students’ assumptions in order to define, re-define, and re-imagine music career archetypes and role models. Through the examination of our musical icons, those we consider “gods,” we will discover new powers and possibilities within ourselves to channel through the many aspects of our music career services.

In panel discussions, small breakout groups, and interactive exercises we will address the issues that matter most to YOU —  so bring your ideas, questions, and concerns to share and explore.


Day 1 Agenda: Tuesday, May 24, 2016

NOTE: Schedule was updated on 5/17/2016

We will start promptly at 9:00 am and go until 5:15 pm.

Check-in open at 8:15 am.  Coffee, tea, and continental breakfast available at 8:30 am.

9:00–9:30 am

Introductions and Activity: Name Your Superpower 
With our intrepid facilitator composer/bassoonist/bon vivant John Steinmetz. This icebreaker will introduce a vital topic as you meet your colleagues.


Challenging Our Greek Gods
Who are our traditional Art Music “Greek gods”? This activity will define our gods, listing the most common features bestowed upon them.




Not Your Typical Artist
Vijay GuptaElizabeth Hinckley, and Matt Sandler help us gain a deeper understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of our artistic gods.

12:00–1:00 pm

Lunch — Provided
A delicious lunch (included in cost of registration) — connect with both new and “old” friends and discuss topics started in the morning sessions.


Challenging our Assumptions: Real World Scenarios 
We’ll examine case studies to better understand the successes and problems inherent in existing career archetypes. 




Role Playing Session
Working with Colburn School Drama instructor Debbie Devine, participants will participate in a whole group activity that will prepare them to role play in small groups about pressing issues facing career development officers.




Teaching Demos
Learn from your peers:


    • Satisfied or Loyal? by Monique Mead
    • The Eastman Case Studies by James Doser & Michael Anderson
    • How to Turn Inspiration into a Successful Career Plan by Dana Fonteneau



    • Building Basic Skills for Advocacy in the App Generation by Janet Rarick
    • The Rise of the Artist-Entrepreneurer: Putting the Starving Artist Mentality to Rest by Quinton Morris



    • Pedagogy of the Portfolio Career by Mark Clague & Jonathan Kuuskoski
    • Infusing Entrepreneurship into a Music Career Skills Course by Patricia Pollett


Topflight cocktails with Colburn President Sel Kardan and Provost Adrian Daly. Enjoy a great view of Disney Hall and a relaxing drink to decompress from the day's activities.


Day 2 Agenda: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

NOTE: Schedule was updated on 5/17/2016

We will start promptly at 9:00 am and go until 5:30 pm. 

9:00–9:30 am

Idea Marketplace
Exchange the latest finds, resources, and ideas in career development and entrepreneurship.


Hollywood calling? Navigating Los Angeles and the Film Industry for Musicians
Get an up close and personal look at how artists are making a living in Los Angeles in the 21st century. Featured panelists: Gary Kuo, Phillip Ayling, and Allison Agsten.


Research Update: Data to Fuel Your Work 
Hear about recent research projects and their implications for your community engagement and career development work. With panelists Susan Helfter, Priska Neely, and Glenna Avila.



11:30–12:15 pm

Powering Up: New Models for a New Age
Examine the places in our work where we may feel stuck, and explore new approaches. We’ll uncover the super powers, habits, and skills we possess that students need and appreciate most.


Lunch at nearby restaurants (on your own). 


Audience Engagement: Getting Real
We will embark upon a series of interactive exercises with current music students to explore how best to connect with audiences and build community.




Open Space
This part of the conference is designed to help you get at your priority issues. Small groups will delve into your topic areas of choice, so that you leave the conference armed with ideas and action steps.


Wrap-up and "Talking Stick" Closing Ceremony

As many veterans can attest, this tradition is as vital a part of our conference as any of the sessions. Please try and arrange your travel plans so that you can stay until at least 5:30. Or better yet: stay an extra night and join us for cocktails and/or dinner.

Register now! All details and forms are on the Registration Page